Review Stanley Park: An Enriching Atmosphere Of Dreams And Untold Tales

I love this review. Read how the reviewer starts her review, it is so lovely …

‘Close your eyes dear reader. Take a deep breath. In…and out…repeat a few more times until you feel a sense of calm. Let your mind gently drift you to a place filled with laughter, love and life. Birds are singing, the wind is dancing with your hair and the grass is soft to lie on. You are surrounded by history and become rooted in its story. You never want to leave. Welcome to Stanley Park.’


Heres a liitle snippet …

‘Olson writes passionate poetry that ignites that fire we all have inside of us. The emotion is rich, warm and gives you hope. Hope that one day you will experience a love so strong that it will be whispered among the trees and leaves in centuries to come.‘

Read the full review here: