‘Delightful.' Starburst Magazine

‘Ambitious.' Publishers Weekly

‘Entertaining, sexy, terrifying, and beautiful.’ Compulsive Reader

'Sex. Violence. Androids … very much in the style of classic 2000AD.'  Lee Sullivan

'An evocative blend of Blade Runner aesthetics and Sin City style characters creating an atmosphere similar to Michael Valuta’s illustrated edition of Metropolis.'  Richard Collingridge

'A fascinating collection of intertextuality and remediation.' Allen Stroud

‘Closer in tone to the cheeky satire of classic 2000AD than anything else I can think of.’ Shelfabuse.com

'Olson is a powerful storyteller.' Mookychick

‘Deliciously irresistible, amazing and cool.’ Risingshadow


Places instantly familar & yet utterly strange. They are of faith, about faith and respect for queer intersectional identities. It's a wonderful crossover of sci-fi, philosophy, magical realism & insight written with a warmth and humour that reminded me of Jonathan Bac's work. Charming & profound, this is a perfect book for a Sunday afternoon when the mind needs to wander & a beguiling narrative aches to be found.
Gscene Magazine

Fascinating, imaginative and inspiring. Full of short stories, modern parables, taking the reader into tales of life, meaning, god, truth, existence, love, friendship and wine. Also beautifully illustrated. Definitely recommended.
UK Amazon Vine Review

The parables are at times uncomfortable, and that's brilliant, because it is also what Jesus did.
UK Amazon Review

There is a wonderful mix of beauty and hope and pain in this collection of parables.
USA Amazon Review

There is a loose thread running through this book; it is one of love and inner beauty emerging out of the mess and ugliness.
UK Amazon Review

Imaginative stories with provocative elements - a timelessness to the presentation.

Each parable was surprising and insightful, funny and sometimes downright challenging.
I loved her tongue in cheek humor and subtlety.

GoodReads Review


These are all beautiful poems, and some of them are downright gorgeous. I definitely recommend them.
Goodreads Review

Stanley Park is pretty fantastic, I loved the way the landscape and history of the place is woven through the poems. I also loved the way many of the poems touch on history and legends, none of which were familiar but all I found fascinating and engrossing.
The Book Lover’s Boudoir

I loved this poetry book about an lgbtq relationship. The language and words are so rich and enchanting. I was lost in this story!

This poetry collection both broke my heart and pieced it back together. I loved it.

A beautiful set of poems.
The Bookworm

Olson writes passionate poetry that ignites that fire we all have inside of us. The emotion is rich, warm and gives you hope. Hope that one day you will experience a love so strong that it will be whispered among the trees and leaves in centuries to come. 
Bunny’s Pause

A beautiful collection of poetry. Kept me reading with enthusiasm and intrigue, not only because of the pristine imagery, the hint of mythology and fantasy, the veiled politics, the sad and happy remembrances, but also because I, being such a romantic, I wanted to know if the two women, like the cliché says: lived happy ever after. Stanley Park is a book about love a book to be loved.
The Compulsive Reader

A story that will continue to thrum in the recesses of my brain. This collection of 35 poems draws a narrative thread that kept me turning pages and wanting to know more about these two incredible women. Olson combines a direct narrative approach with the rich woven storytelling of Squamish Nation legends. It is a powerful statement of how thin the veil is between the connective tissue that binds together humans with nature and emotion.

Mythological and supernatural elements are wonderfully infused into the poems. Reading this collection feels like stepping into another person's dreams and memories, because you'll see the world through new eyes and begin to marvel at how powerful emotions can be.


This is a metaphorical masterpiece with many allusions & vivid imagery.
I will remember this story forever.


The Girl in the Garden is an epic imagination of a woman realizing & connecting to herself.
Simultaneously whimsical & mighty, her story is rich with hope & humility, gratitude & grace.
Honest, vulnerable, & musical - I finished the whole thing in one sitting because I couldn’t put it down.

I absolutely loved the illustrations. Every single poem has a retrospective tone to it that makes you wonder if you've discovered your true self, your identity. You're going to love it!

The Girl in the Garden weaves together myth, metaphor, and lived experience in a fascinating, beautiful & powerful way.
5 Star GOODREADS Review

Written with passion and filled with rich imagery.
5 Star Amazon Review

Olson has done it again, she has left me speechless. Just WOW. She is such a talented poet that writes with heart, fire and courage that I admire and respect. This book hit me hard, right in the heart. I was an emotional wreck as I read all 30 poems. It’s inspiring and gives hope to others, letting them know that they are not alone.
Bunny’s Pause

The Girl in The Garden challenges the notions that anyone can define a person outside of the person themselves. Olson is a powerful storyteller. She effortlessly weaves myth and magic through the story.

An incredible piece of work. The poems are read by the same narrator as Stanley Park and she does an incredible job. Her voice alone is worth listening to the audio version.
The Book Lovers’ Boudoir

Links to full reviews:

CoffeeHouseContempletive - Review

Stanley Park:
The Book Lover’s Boudoir - Review
The Bookworm - Review
Bunny’s Pause - Review
The Compulsive Reader - Review
RisingShadow - Review
MookyChick - Review