
As humans we are propelled forward by our emotions and our subconscious, however much we like to think the rational part of us is the captain of our ship. It is to that emotional core of you that I offer up these parables. They are an imaginary fictional space into which I invite you to step … imagined possibilities full of truth, excitement and discovery.

It is summer. The grapes have grown ripe on the vine. You sit and listen under the shade of the olive tree as Jesus and the Greek God of the grape harvest Dionysus drink together and weave parables into your imagination.

“I have lived for so long, suffocating in a world where I was taught that my reality, my beliefs and who I am are all based on a factual understanding of the world. Writing Parables was like coming up for air, and I hope that in reading it you will breathe in again and remember what it is to feel alive.”
Sapphira Olson

Parables was published by Elsewhen Press in a digital edition on 22nd February 2019 and in paperback on 5th August 2019.



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ISBN: 978-1-911409-52-6 eBook Typical price £2.99 / €3.49 / $3.99
ISBN: 978-1-911409-42-7 paperback 176pp List price £10 / €12 / $18
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